
A jQuery plugin to create a listbox that works as you want.

With this jQuery plugin you can create a listbox which can contain an array of almost any kind of item: string, Number, Object, etc. You can define your own render and encoder functions. Insert, multi insert, move up and down is supported out of the box - and much more!

Check out the GitHub Repository!

Read the manual


How jqListbox works?

Example: Core functionality

This is a very simple example using a div with some CSS to display our scrollable list. The list contains Objects but only the title field is displayed. This example uses the build in JSON.stringify() encoder to transform the list to a JSON string in the textarea field.

Example: Custom item renderer

This example is using the itemRenderer option in a creative way. As you can see you can really render your items as you want!
Also this one is using a custom select render method - not the built in (automatic) selectedClass!

0 items 0 items selected

Example: Dual listbox

This example is using the transferSelectedTo method to move the selected elements between the listboxes. For this setup both listboxes should contain the same type of elements. There are two other methods available: transferByIndexTo and transferByIndexMultiTo methods.

Example: Custom item encoder

This example is using the listboxValueEncoder option to transform the items to the needed target value. This target value can be posted in a hidden input for example.

Also we are using multiUpdate here. With multiUpdate you can update all of the selected elements with different data.

0 items 0 items selected